As part of WiSP we are committed to meeting with our advisory panel at least three times during the life of the project. These meetings provide the research team with valuable opportunities to gain feedback and direction from stakeholders in policy and practice, in terms of how project data and findings could be used to impact positively on training and practice. The first meeting was held in May 2016, and a two-week email discussion took place in February 2017. The latest event was a two-day workshop in June 2017, where we discussed the kind of resources that might be useful for social work students and practitioners. The final meeting will be followed by an end of project seminar in March 2018, to which all participants and interested parties will be invited.
The workshop in June this year was a great opportunity for the research team to reflect and plan with the support of the advisory panel members –
- to hear about many contextualised challenges for practitioners, trainers and HEIs in terms of how writing is situated and supported in practice and in training, pre and post qualification;
- to consider where ‘writing’ and ‘recording’ are mentioned in the professional standards;
- to interrogate the kind of data we have collected within the WiSP project;
- and to consider how our data, analysis and findings could be applied in supporting students and practitioners to reflect on the complexities of writing in social work practice, and to enhance understanding of the requirements of social work writing and recording.
Some very interesting discussions evolved. We will post more blogs with reflections from those who attended.
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